Seventh-day Adventists choose to worship God because we believe He is our Creator who deserves praise and honour.
Exodus 20:11 says " in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
We believe that Saturday is a special day set aside for humanity, since the beginning of the world, to spend time worshipping and honouring God. We can worship God in many different ways. It can be through Bible study, prayer and singing praises to Him. We can do this at a personal level or meet together with fellow believers.
We invite you to join us on Saturday morning to praise God and to learn more about Him. You are welcome to sit anywhere during the worship program - there are no set seats - and we don't have a 'dress code' either. If you're comfortable, we're happy!
We have two worship programs each Saturday. A small group Bible study which we call Sabbath School and the Main Service where everyone meets together. In both our services we sing, pray to God and collect an offering. However, we emphasise that there is no obligation for you to give an offering if you don't want to. The program is our gift to God and to you - we don't expect anything in return.