Vienna International 15

Children's Classes

The Children Sabbath School is a place where our precious children can get to know Jesus better. It can never be a place where all problems that may happen in a child`s life during one whole week can be fixed. Much more it should be seen as a reinforcement of what the parents are teaching at home every day.

Children Sabbath School can assist parents in the religious training of their children. The material is found on gracelink website . It contains a Bible Lesson for each week and suggestions how parents can teach the individual lessons at home.

Children form 4 different groups according to their age and abilities:

  1. Beginner: Age 0-2 years
  2. Kindergarten: Age 3-6 years
  3. Primary: Age 7-10 years
  4. Powerpoint: Age 11-13 years

Each Sabbath morning all the 4 groups join together to have a mission program together (Listen to stories about missionwork in foreign countries; Invitation to make your life a mission), before we form our individual groups.

9.00-9.15 o`clock: Time to greet each other

9.15-9.30 o`clock: Mission Time

9.30-10.30 o`clock: Children Sabbath School Lesson

May God lead the teachers and the children so that we may be a light for the world, through our love to each other and through the way we live a “God-connected” life each day. May God develop in us a character like Jesus.

„And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.“ (Luke 2:52)